
How can we help? The right side of this page has an array of helpful contact information for current AMA Insurance customers. Or, select from the resources below to get additional information.

Find out how much it will cost for the various plans we offer, with discounts for AMA Members considered.

Pay your bill through our online portal.

AMA Insurance plans are underwritten by top tier carriers like New York Life, Liberty Mutual, Transamerica and others. But what does this term mean with regard to your own insurance application? We explain.

Review and download an array of forms related to your AMA Insurance products.

Students, Residents, and others covered by AMA Insurance Group Plans for Schools & Practices can access and download Insurance Certificates for your coverages.

My Account is an easy way to access, manage, and make payments at your convenience.

NOTE: if you are a School, Practice or Hospital Administrator, broker, or similar representative needing other kinds of support for your plan, please visit our pages specifically addressing insurance solutions for schools and practices.